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Little Known Workplace Eye Safety Facts

Eye injuries in the workplace are extremely common. They are far more common than you may realize. Hopefully these little known facts may drive you to take extra precaution concerning eye safety while at work.

  1. Every day, over 2,000 workers are treated for eye injuries in the United States. That amounts to more than 43 eye injuries per second in just the USA!
  2. Men are 81% more likely to encounter an occupational eye injury than women.
  3. 70% of all workplace facial injuries involve one or both eyes.
  4. The five industries with the most workplace eye injuries are: manufacturing, wholesale and retail trade, the services industry, construction, and mining.
  5. 26% of eye injuries are due to exposure to harmful substances at work.
  6. Approximately $300 million are lost each year due to medical bills and compensation for eye related injuries.
  7. 90% of eye injuries are deemed highly preventable.
  8. Nearly 40% of work-related eye injuries happen in offices, healthcare facilities, labs, and like environments.
  9. 10-20% of all workplace eye injuries will result in temporary or permanent vision loss.
  10. The average time off work for an eye injury is 2 days.

If you encounter a workplace eye injury, be sure to follow the appropriate steps to treat eye injuries based on your industry. Guidelines and policy for eye safety should be easily accessible. If that information is not readily available, bring it to the attention of your manager or supervisor. If irritation or inflammation persists after you’ve taken the proper steps, seek immediate medical attention. Be sure to ask your local Johnson Optometric Associates eye doctor about workplace eye safety at your next visit for a comprehensive eye exam.

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