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While we may not be operating at full capacity, Johnson Optometric is committed to taking care of you, our patient. Throughout this uncertain time, we’ve received several common questions about our operating hours, what we can and can’t do, and how to handle currently scheduled appointments. Below is a list of answers to the most common questions we’ve received over the last several days. If you do not see your question below, please email us and we’ll be happy to assist you.

Are you currently seeing patients?

Due to CDC recommendations, we can only see urgent or emergency cases.

What is an example of an emergency?

Examples of an emergency include:
You’ve broken your glasses and can not see without them.
You are showing signs of possible pink eye or an eye infection.
You are experiencing a dramatic change or loss of vision, eye pain, eye injury, or new floaters or flashes of light in your vision.

If you’re unsure if your situation is an emergency, email us and we will respond as fast as we can.

What are my options for being seen?

Telemedicine – We are able to virtually see patients through video chatting. To schedule a telemedicine appointment, please call the Fuquay Office at (919) 552-3181

Office Visit – Our Fuquay office is open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 AM to  2 PM.

When you arrive for your appointment, please stay parked in your car and call us to let us know you’ve arrived.

What if I already have an appointment scheduled over the next two months?

Our office will call you as it gets closer to your appointment to either confirm or reschedule.

Can I order new contacts?

Yes. You can order new contacts over the phone or through email. We offer free shipping on 2 or more boxes. If your prescription is expired, the FDA has allowed us to be lenient.

I’ve recently ordered glasses – will I be notified of their arrival and how can I get them?

When your glasses arrive, we’ll call you to let you know they are in and schedule either a curbside pickup time or mail them to you (standard shipping rates apply).

Again, if you have any questions, please email us.


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